Feel Scala : Scalarama Liverpool 2018 Programme Launch

The Baltic Social 27 Parliament St, Liverpool, United Kingdom

We are up for cinema partying in Liverpool !  Join us in THE launch  of Scalarama Liverpool  2018 programme where everyone is invited and you can not missed! No etiquette, no ticket, no nada.. only your presence is needed. Embrace the Scalarama spirit in one of the most upbeat bars in town, The Baltic Social, be […]

Scalarama Liverpool 2017 Programme Launch

The Baltic Social 27 Parliament St, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Celebrating our 3rd year as part of one of the most exciting cinema DIY festival on earth #Scalarama, we have organised an exciting launch film programme where everyone is invited! No etiquette, no ticket, no nada.. only your presence is needed. Embrace the Scalarama spirit in one of the most upbeat bars in town, the Baltic […]