Meet the Exhibitor | Close Up Cineclub
Name: Paul & Milda
Exhibitor: Close Up Cineclub
Fantasy Double Bill: When two films screened together say more than they could ever say while showed separately.
Screening: Hybrid Cinema / Black Sun
Tell us about your organisation
Tell us about your Scalarama event this year
We’re showing Gary Tarn’s documentary Black Sun which explores the story of French painter Hugues de Montalembert who – in a violent encounter in 1978 – lost his eyesight to paint thinner; it’s partly survivor’s testimony and partly philosophical insight into the nature of perception.
Tell us what Scalarama means to you
Firstly, it’s a true celebration of cinema! But also it’s a chance for unexperienced people like us to get involved with the film screening business and work together with great exhibitors.
Why should people come to your event?
Because it’s our first screening ever so we need as much support as possible and our film is worth the time!
What Scalarama event(s) besides your own are you looking forward to?
Forgotten Silver, Cinerama’s Russian Adventure, Atlas of Belonging, Mustang & Dogtooth Double Bill, Blueprint: Theorem, Cinemaattic: Madrid era una Fiesta (El Futuro + Aliens).