Meet the Exhibitor | Welcome To Gin Peaks

Name: Damien Swarbrick

Exhibitor: Welcome To Gin Peaks, Edinburgh

Fantasy Double Bill: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre & An American Werewolf in London

Screening: Welcome to Gin Peaks presents Blue Velvet

Tell us about your organisation

Welcome to Gin Peaks is a podcast hosted by myself and Rory, that blends our love of Lynch with our love of gin. Each episode we pick a David Lynch film and choose a gin then try to decipher what is happening exactly onscreen while we get loose, sometimes too loose. Neither of us claims to be a Lynch expert or even a gin expert, we were doing just this anyway so decided lets turn it into a podcast.

Tell us about your Scalarama event this year

We held a poll on Twitter and our listeners have spoken, so we’ll be screening Blue Velvet at the fantastic Leith Depot in Edinburgh. The price of a ticket (£8) gets you entry to the film and a free gin and tonic. Afterwards we’ll be drinking some more and hanging out with music from David Lynch films and Twin Peaks and FREE cherry pie will be dished out.

Tell us what Scalarama means to you

Scalarama is an exciting opportunity to promote film in the community and give people the chance to see some stuff that they maybe wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity to see. It’s about bringing people together through the medium of film and it might inspire folk to maybe hold their own screening next time.

Why should people come to your event?

Lynch and gin always leads to a good time, and free cherry pie is always a winner!

What Scalarama event(s) besides your own are you looking forward to?

Theres so many to pick but if I had to choose a top three (in no order) I’d say Reel Girls Film Club screening of Smithereens, the Cameo’s screening of Turkish Star Wars and Strangest Things film club’s showing of Heroic Purgatory.

Anything else you want to tell people about?

Listen to the podcast available on iTunes and Podbean!

Welcome To Gin Peaks screen Blue Velvet Thursday 13/09 at Leith Depot.

Tickets here.

Follow Welcome To Gin Peaks on Facebook here

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