Throughout April 2017-March 2018, Random Acts Presents screens an exciting selection of short films by young artist filmmakers aged 16-24 in cinemas across England. From animation and comedy, to dance and spoken word – these bold and creative short films reflect the mosaic of contemporary life in England through the lens of its young artists.

The films

These innovative, thought-provoking films range from 90 seconds to 3 minutes in length. They are available in curated packages – collated by theme, region and genre – to be presented in one screening. All packages are between 45 and 60 mins long containing a minimum of 10 films. Curated packages include:

Northern Showcase

South West Showcase

South East Showcase

London Showcase

Midlands Showcase


Women in Film


The films span a range of art forms and topics – from the refugee crisis, the monotony of the job centre and the thrill of a zombie apocalypse. Without preconceptions, filmmakers are challenging norms and carving out space for a wide range of on and off-screen talent, and bold expressions of creativity.


Why should you book it: Help us celebrate young artists and filmmakers from across England!

Format available on: Bluray / DCP / Individal Pro-Res files
When available to screen from: September – November
Terms: These films are free of charge. Our only condition is a minimum 3 week turnaround time for delivery of films and that your report your attendance figures to us!

How to book: Contact Fiona Hegarty

Visit for more information.

Selected Images
