Our home at Summerhall this year will be open to all scalaroamers to come together and celebrate the start of this beautiful month of September, full of hand-picked exciting cinema to hide from the rain in! Come round to the Royal Dick Bar, chin chin some extravagant cocktails and locally brewed beer with us, meet all our film curators and chat them up about their film programme – that will ignite their eyes with the maniacal film geek flame and they’ll never stop talking, so be careful not to overkill.
In our first public fit of awesomeness this year we will have a little launch party followed by the late night screening of The Cremator at 10pm, presented to you by Reuben from New Flesh Cinema → https://scalarama.com/event/new-flesh-cinema-presents-the-cremator/
We will start raising the first cocktails and popping the first balloons at 7pm. It’ll be fun, lots of good vibes guaranteed – you should definitely be there!
With arms wide open in a broad welcoming gesture-
Ieva and the Scalarama Edinburgh team