France’s answer to Fleabag sees Laetitia Dosch explode onto the screen as Paula in Léonor Serraille’s debut film Jeune Femme, a live-wire comedy and an excessive exercise in humour and urgency which explores modern life’s everyday misfortunes.
Back in Paris after a long absence and finding the key to her boyfriend’s apartment no longer works, Paula goes on an erratic “voyage de la loon” around the city – broken-hearted, self-destructive, and with only her ex’s cat’s deadpan stares to rely on. By her nature unable to do anything but live int he moment, we watch as Paula tries her best to reclaim a measure of stability, making new allies and seeing the reappearance of figures from her past.
“Thrillingly capturing both time and place and fizzing with non-judgemental empathy and cinematic flair, this is a magnificent debut that catapults Laetitia Dosch into the front rank of French actresses”
David Parkinson, EMPIRE